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8. The Work in Era of Thousand-year (Revelation 20:1~10)

This Era of Thousand-year is not the perfect Heavenly Kingdom, yet this Era is the fulfillment of the purpose of God’s Creation. Until today, God has allowed the crafty serpent to tempt men, and He has purposed to give the kingship to those who overcome the deception with the Word, and to organize the system of the Kingdom with them.

When the number of the overcomers is completed, the Lord will advent on the air for the Rapture and prepare the organization of the Kingdom. At the same time, the multitude, having heard the preaching of the victorious warriors, repenting and obeying, will be protected and nourished in the prepared place, and outside of the prepared place there is the tribulation of the devil for three and a half years.

When the saints descent down to the earth with the King of kings for the earthly reign, the multitude nourished in the prepared place will become the citizens, and the world which has followed the false prophet will be burned by the beast. The rest of the force of the beast will be annihilated by the transfigured saints, and the force of the devil will be shut in the bottomless pit. Then the reign of the saints entirely fulfills on the earth. The Work in Era of Thousand-year is as follows.

First: The reign in righteousness (Isaiah 32:1, 60:17)

No righteous reign was found in history of mankind ever, and always the strong countries of pagans have threatened the saints; the countries such as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media & Persia, Greece, Rome, and present USSR.

Therefore, the dragon's seven heads in Revelation Chapter 12 mean that the Era of the righteous reign will come after the seven powerful nations, built by the devil’s power. Since the death of Abel who offered a righteous sacrifice and was killed by Cain, God has allowed until today the evil ones to harm the righteous, in order to entitle the right of reign to those who struggle for the true thought of the truth despite of unjust harms from the evil ones.

The Era of the righteous reign is this: Judgement to avenge the blood will destroy the force of the false prophet, the beast, and the red dragon from the earth, and the Kingdom of the righteous reign will come. This Era is when God establishes the eternal Kingdom with the servants He acknowledge as righteous. The politics of so-called powerful nations so far is brutal. Just as the strong prey on the weak in animal world, the strong nations’ invasion over many other nations is the sinful politics, not the righteous reign. Now below is what Bible says about the righteous reign.

(1) The deception of the devil is no more (Revelation 20:3)

God allows the crafty serpent to deceive so that those, believing only in God’s Word and fighting for it, may overcome and the overcomers will fulfill the eternal Kingdom. When the Kingdom of Thousand-year is fulfilled, the power of the devil will be withdrawn and there will be no more deception.

(2) All people become righteous (Isaiah 60:21)

The righteous politics cannot exist unless man becomes righteous. Although Israel kingdom begun with the righteous reign, corruptions in the kingdom of David were extremely wretched. The kingdom of David was merely a prophetic nation which demonstrates the true servants’ work until the Kingdom of the righteous reign comes.

Therefore, for the Kingdom of the righteous reign, the Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ was sent to complete the righteousness of atonement so that even the evilest one could be consecrated. Moreover, along with the forgiveness, the Holy Spirit has been poured down through the righteousness of the Son, in order to fulfill the Kingdom of the righteous reign with the righteous ones.

If God reigns the world without consecration of sinners, the Kingdom of the righteous reign cannot be fulfilled; yet because He consecrates the believers for the Kingdom, it is the Kingdom of the righteous reign.

(3) No evil beasts are there (Isaiah 11:6~8, 65:24~25)

Beasts become good. Now evil beasts harm man, but in the Era of the righteous reign they become helpful for the righteous people.

(4) No more war is there (Isaiah 2:4, Micah 4:3)

In history of so-called powerful countries so far, they have been fighting to invade other’s territory, because they are all sinful men and there was no righteous reign ever among them. However, when the Era of the righteous reign comes, people will not make weapons or learn war because there will be no one able to invade the reign of the eternal kingship. All people will only serve the righteous King. (Isaiah 49:23)

Second: Blessed life

Until today, life of men always has been under toil, and it is a human being who lives to eat and dies in worthless toil. But the people in Era of Thousand-year will live the blessed life as follows.

(1) Blessed land (Isaiah 35:1~2, 6~7)

Because of the sin of Adam, the land was cursed and became desert, but in the Kingdom of the righteous reign, the land will change and become blessed: harvest will be peaceful. Although so far produce was depending on the toil done, at that time, the harvest will be done without any toil. (Zechariah 8:11~12) 
The body will be made specially healthy thanks to all grain full of nutrition. (Isaiah 30:23~24, Zechariah 9:17)

Now people say that they need meat or wholesome food to preserve health, but at that time fruits raised from the ground will have enough nutrition for the body without any disease.

(2) Rich material

At that time, people will not lack anything, and there will be no need to compete each other regarding any social class or matter of produce and they will only enjoy plentiful and sufficient life. (Isaiah 30:23, Joel 3:18, Amos 9:13, Zechariah 1:17) Or even silver or gold will be abundant in their life. (Isaiah 60:17, 54:11~12) Those building houses at that time will build up splendid buildings on the blessed land, and there will be the holy royal city.

(3) Extremely joyful life (Isaiah 35:10, 43:21, 65:18, 66:13~14)

When God created man, He wanted him to live pleasant life, but man had sinned and made himself fall from the pleasant life. Nevertheless, God will restore the blessed life again.

(4) Long lifetime (Isaiah 65:22, 66:22, Zechariah 8:4~5)

At that time, man will live this Era of Thousand-year in his flesh. Since the disobedience against the Word of God, the flesh has been mortal while the spirit could have the salvation. However, those, who overcome the temptation when the red dragon, the beast, and the false prophet are allowed to tempt, will receive eternal life with their flesh, because they have been kept the Word. Therefore, if anyone receives the mark of the beast and worships before it, he will be killed in Judgement that fulfills New Era without death. (Revelation 14:9~11, 15:2~4, 20:4) The blessed life of man cannot exist without mortal flesh, because the Creator made all things for the sake of flesh. The perfect fruit of Christianity is this: the flesh will live even if it dies, and everyone who lives and enters New Era will never die.

Third: Extreme growth of population (Isaiah 27:6, 49:20~21, Revelation 20:8)

Population of New Era will be much more than this present time.

(1) There are two kinds in the citizens of New Era

The number of the transfigured saints’ family is not going to be many. Those who will enter New Era, having obeyed and repented when the transfigured saints smite the earth with every plagues, are the great multitude as in Revelation 7:9, whom no one could count, coming out from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues and clothed in white robes and holding palm branches in their hands and praising the salvation. It is written “they are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb;” it means they are the ones who have repented, and believed and obeyed the prophecy of the last witnesses during the great tribulation.

They are not going to dwell in the holy city. Yet staying outside of the city and living under the reign of the saints for thousand years, they will devote to the service as citizens without sovereignty, and the number of their descendants will be like the sand of the seashore. (Revelation 20:7~8)

At that time, the camp of the saints and the holy city are separated from other area. (Revelation 20:9) The sovereignty of the saints is the eternal kingship, so there will be a distinction between the genealogy of the transfigured saints and that of other citizens. Because the genealogy of the transfigured saints is the holy royal family, they will live in the holy royal city and will receive the wealth of the citizens who are outside the city. (Isaiah 18:7, 60:10~12, 60:15~16, 61:7, 66:12, 66:20~24)

The glory of David and Solomon in the past is merely the prophetic antitype of the kingship in New Era. (Amos 9:11~12) God had said to Adam “Subdue the earth, rule over it, and fill it,” and this blessed mission will be completely fulfilled by the saints who overcome the deception of the devil of the end.

(2) There will be great prosperity without death (Isaiah 25:8, 65:22~23)

People at that time will receive the blessing on their children without disease, pain, and death. Population will greatly grow in the blessing. The servants with the kingship will not give birth any children, but the citizens will greatly prosper.

Therefore, even the Arctic Ocean where people don’t live now will be filled with population. The light of the sun will be seven times brighter, and the position of the grounds will change, allowing man to live in the cold region. (Isaiah 30:25~26, Amos 9:13) God, in His Counsel, lets the Arctic Ocean exist now, in order that it may be given to the citizens of New Era.

Fourth: Change of the Nature

The nature we are living in now often brings pain on man. Cold, heat, drought, deluge, storm and other various climates cause harm on plants or animals, while the nature of New Era will not be so but will be like below.

(1) Moderate rain and dew (Joel 2:23, Zechariah 8:12)

Today, lack of rain or dew causes difficulty on all produce, but at that time there will be streams running with water everywhere thanks to moderate rain and dew. (Isaiah 30:25)

(2) Climate change and no harm (Isaiah 49:10, Amos 9:13~15)

At that time, appropriate climate will always be helpful for man so that without any harm grains may be produced.

(3) Fruits will be borne by itself and they will be satisfying. (Isaiah 49:9, 55:12~13) At that time, all plants will be blessed and bear their fruit, and everywhere on mountain or field or road there will be fruits anyone can freely eat. So everyone will live sufficient life. (Isaiah 66:12~14, 41:18~20)
